Saturday, November 7, 2020

GIRL-Bath Time

 With no more erotic art magazines being published, I'll need to d a better job posting online. I'm trying to decide how to publish stories I've been commissioned to do as a collection, as well as collections of my recently colorised black and white stories. 

Until then, I've been steering people over to my Patreon account where they can see new works and some of the commissioned stories I've been doing. I've also recently launched an account at I think we can all use some distractions in the age of corona virus.

 Stay safe.


Vincent Laine said...

Kevin, have a look at Kickstarter, please. There's more and more erotic content now. Some of your colleagues from Kiss Comix are now getting their old work collected and new work published thanks to that platform. I think the world need a complete/absolute/hadcoverslipcase edition of Girl and the rest of your work!

-kev. said...

Thanks, Vincent. I'll look into it.

Jesús Torrealba said...

Solo paso por aquí a saludar, soy un gran fan de tu obra, eres el mejor, salud cordial desde Venezuela

Just write to grettings, I am a big fan of your artwork, you are the best, Best regards from Venezuela