Today being my birthday is a good time to announce a new website. It's not often that these things coincide with one another, but it just lined up right this year. The
web designers did a good job and I'll try to do as good a job providing good content for as long as it's running, which I'm expecting to be a long time.
Along with updates that will include pin-ups and commissions that I've done, I'll also be doing comics that will be exclusive to the members, unpublished and unseen pages that I may have had in my studio over the years, but most likely they'll be new comic pages that I've been working on.
There's also an area where you can catch up on the latest Ebay auctions, which include the pieces that didn't sell, (quite a bit) as well as other works for sale. Plus, most of my printed comics can be found here, mostly out of print books and stories. We're still working on ideas to add to the site, maybe a forum where you can talk about stuff, request commissions, and even a fan art section. (That should be fun.)
All in all, I'm proud to announce the grand opening of this site, and I hope you stop by, have a look and a good time.
Just signed up! Site looks great. Can't wait to see whats in store!
Happy Birthday Kevin!
Ah cool, I came here to see if you were actually tied to that web site.
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