I wasn't planning on posting again so soon, but I wanted to get this done.
At least 4 or 5 times a year over the last three years-maybe longer-I've gotten e-mails asking if I knew about this guy John Persons. I just didn't pay attention until about two years ago when I checked out this dude's site and, whatta you know, I recognized just about every drawing he did was from one of my books-at least all the ones in the preview section. I let it go as just inspiring another artist and didn't expect to hear anymore about it. Every artist has learned from other artists by copying them.
Now, here it is two years later and I'm still being asked about this guy. I didn't expect him to still have a site up, but I checked it out today and there it is. I'll never knock another artist for learning from others this way. I've had my Gil Kane and Barry Smith moments (tits and ass, Corben and Frazetta) but I eventually broke away from that and developed my own thang. And I'm hoping that's what Mr. Persons will be able to do. It takes a while, I know, so I'm trying not to be too paranoid about someone doing better with my work than I am. And it's not something to get riled up about: if he were simply printing my books online then I'd just sic my publisher on him. My biggest complaint with him is his decision to re-draw the male characters as Tarzan stereotypes with Jane of the jungle. And that dialogue! I'm sure somewhere in that site is the phrase "Feets, do yo' stuff!"
Go check him out at www.JohnPersons.com and see for yourself. I'm not worried about giving him exposure because from the looks of it, he'll have to wait for me to do more work to continue. Oh, damn...Body Heat 2 just hit the stores. I guess that'll keep him going for a while. Does anyone think I deserve a lifetime membership?